breast Procedures

Tuberous Breast Deformity

The Quick Facts about Tuberous Breast Deformity

Length of Tuberous Breast Procedure: 2 - 3 Hours
Anesthesia: General
In or Outpatient Procedure: General
Tuberous breasts are a common developmental condition that has a widely variable impact on breast shape. With numerous labels including tuberous breast deformity, tubular breasts, constricted breasts, and herniated areolas, the physical manifestations of varying severity and asymmetry can have a profound effect on breast aesthetics, balance, and self-perception.

When the tubular breast deformity is of a moderate or severe grade, women may be very focused on their breast shape, size, and symmetry issues. In certain instances where the manifestations of the deformity are milder, an individual may seek correction of breast hypoplasia (small breast size) only, and may not be aware of areolar prominence, breast constriction, inframammary fold malposition, and other mild shape aberrations.

In all cases, the specific physical manifestations of breast base constriction, fold position, breast skin envelope, breast volume, areolar herniation, and ptosis must be carefully qualified and quantified, and then married with your unique desires to determine the best tuberous breast treatment techniques. The technical approach must be meticulously personalized and customized for every nuance of inherent shape and size and for every aspect of individual desire.

Tuberous Breast Augmentation

Tuberous breast syndrome ranges from mild to severe, and the treatment for each case differs slightly. Before undergoing surgery, it’s critical that a patient’s breasts are properly assessed by a doctor.

Tuberous breast surgery occurs in stages, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition. For patients with a mild case of tubular breasts, the first stage will be enough to correct the problem. The first surgery is designed to release constricted breast tissue. This procedure is usually done in a hospital, and a plastic surgeon will make a small incision to insert a breast implant.

For patients with moderate or severe cases of tuberous breasts, a donut mastopexy, or breast lift, can be helpful because it enhances the actual contour of the breast. During this procedure, a donut-shaped amount of skin from the areola is removed to improve the appearance of the areola and frees up the underlying breast tissue so it can form a more natural breast shape.

A plastic surgeon might also use a tissue expander, which gradually expands breast tissue. After this is removed, a surgeon can perform a mastopexy and breast augmentation surgery.

Tuberous Breast Augmentation Recovery

Following the correction of tubular breasts, patients might be required to spend one night in the hospital for observation. Recovery is typically smooth and rapid with the scars of the surgery starting to fade after 2–3 months.

Although a majority of patients can return home within a day, they should avoid strenuous activities such as lifting heavy weights and intense sports. Normal day-to-day activities and light work can be resumed within 1–2 days. A surgical bra might be fitted to help in faster recovery. If drain tubes are placed to remove any excess fluid, they will usually be removed after a week or more.
For additional information on Tuberous Breast Augmentation Recovery visit the American Society of Plastic Surgeons for this procedure.

*Disclaimer: Individual results may vary and specific results are not guaranteed.